Adobe VIP Licence Renewals
Mailing list of adss admisisons coordinators and supporting administrators
Security Alumni Network List
Summer visitors list
Turing Oxford All Users
Behavioural + Evolutionary Ecology Journal Club
Biodiversity Research
Shut Up & Write - Biology
Development & Alumni Relations Team mailing list
Discussion and announcement list for computational geoscience (in the Department of Earth Sciences)
Connected Life Conference announcements
4YP students
Pre-IPO/probation Academics
General Adverts for EP Staff
Communication for former EP members
HERC Talks [Online]
Health Economics and Policy seminars, news and events
HERC health economics talks, news and events
HERC Occasional Events
HERC Talks [Online]
History of Childhood
IECL communications for research fellows
IECL communications for students
IECL communications for academic visitors
Discussion list on online labour and crowdsourcing platforms
OCMR's staff informal announcements and news
List for members of IGF lab
Network for discussing postgraduate teaching, sharing resources, challenges and solutions. Notifications of OPTN meetings
Organisation Structure
Oxford and Empire Network
Service announcements for OxCERT's SAVANT
Smith School postdoc and research assistant students
Sophos Central
Smith School postdoc and research assistant students
All SSEE staff - employed by SSEE
Announcements relating to Free software released by Sysdev